We are looking at March in the face and wondering where February went. Oh yes, that is the month we traveled 14,000 miles within a thirty day period. Frank has done a great job posting these excursions, so I won't go into any of that. We just have to say that being in Ephesus, walking where Paul walked and taught, made us realize what a driven missionary he was. When we look at the maps and see the distances he traveled to carry out Christ's plea "to spread the gospel to all the world" we can only be grateful that we are able to travel by plane, train, and bus. I was reading in Acts the other day and loved this verse, talking about Christ. Acts 14:17 "He left not himself without witness, in that he did good and gave us rain, from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness."
We can tell that you are all praying for the work here. We had a baptism on February 1st. Her name is Leena. She began coming to FHE (Family Home Evening) a few months ago so we got to know her. She is now married and has baby so she no longer attends FHE. Each week she comes to our branch meetings. Her husband takes care of the baby at home for her. He told the missionaries that they were invited over any time.
Last Saturday while we were in Novosibirsk for a mini YSA conference, there was another baptism in Krasnoyarsk. This lady is in her forties. Her name is Neena. She is married to an atheist, and they have two children. She has been taught by several missionaries because of transfers and such. She has from the start loved the gospel. She loves the commandments, and knows that they are for our good. She never questioned any of the commandments that she was asked to follow. She also comes every week. I sat by her today (Sunday), we sang the hymns together and it was nice because she didn't know the tune, and I don't read the words perfectly, so between the two of us we got through it. She is a sweetheart. ..".Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love." D&C 6:20
Our next baptism is scheduled for March 9th. Artiom is seventeen years old. He is a nice looking young man who met the missionaries at english class on Wednesday nights. He says that the gospel makes sense to him and he wants it in his life. His mother actually has come to church with him twice. We are excited to soon add another member to the priest's quorum.
Keep praying for the work to continue, it is helping.
On Feburary 10th I got word that Galia, the YSA nursery leader and her visiting teaching companion Tonya and a couple of ladies from the Relief Society were going to visit sister Galeena a shut-in. They were planning on making her some food and then all walking to her apartment. I asked if I could be in the kitchen while they were making the food, and of course Galia said, "yes, and would you come with us to see Galeena?" Sister Olga had previously made the dough for the dish, so we just rolled it out into two rectangles. We put one on the bottom of a cookies sheet while Olga made the filling. She opened a LARGE can of sardines put them in a bowl then added some cooked cooled rice that had been cooked with some flavoring. She began to mix the two together until it was like a paste. She began to spread the combination onto the bottom dough. After that she put the top layer on and put it in the oven. It raised as it cooked until it was about four inches high. It cooked for about 20-30 minutes, and then cooled a little while we were getting our winter clothes on. As we all gathered, I counted nine people. One of them was Antone, a YSA who was going to bless the sacrament for her. We walked quite a ways and finally reached her apartment. She was so happy to see everyone. The visiting began, then the sacrament (that is always my favorite part), and then the food. We all sat around a small table while tea cups, sugar, candy, and juice cups were being placed about. It was a wonderful little lunch.
After eating and things were put away the visiting continued. Antone left and went back to the branch building. I was sitting on a wooden stool with no back to it. The visiting went on and on until I thought that my bones were going to touch the wooden bench. Galia got up from her stool and began to rub Tonya's neck. I got the idea of standing up and rubbing Galia's neck. So I did. I wanted to call Frank and tell him that I was still alive because I told him that I would be about one hour when I left him at the branch. We were now on hour three. My phone was dead, and so I borrowed Galia's. As I was standing there taking all of this in, I realized that time is so precious with these Russians. We will be gone soon and we will never have this chance again. To see them visit with this lady and care for her was such a tender experience. I can see that things run a little slower here, and visiting is an important commitment. "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind..." D&C 64:33-34
Galya and Karen cooking bread for a primary activity. |
I have always had a difficult time remembering names. Children's names not so, but adults, I just struggle. So here in Russia, I have really tried hard to connect with these people and learn their names. I have written them down, and studied them. But, just when I think I have it, I don't. The other day Frank told me about a young man named Pasha. While he was talking about him he said, Pavel. I interrupted him saying wait a minute I thought his name was Pasha. Frank said that his name is Pasha, but they also call him Pavel, and Panya. About that same time I asked a sister missionary the name of a lady and she said Leena, I told her that I thought her name was Elena. Sister Brown said, yea, it's the same name. That same week I found out that Galia is the same as Galina and Tonya is the same as Tatianna, and Masha is the same as Maria. Oh my gosh, I am so confused. Each week, I learn more names, but now I have decided that if I just learn Leena, Antone, Masha, Galia, I will be safe because the Russian people do not have a lot of different names, just a lot of the same names, so my chances of getting their name right is much better here.
We were invited over to eat dinner with and give a family home evening lesson to the Vetsel family. Grandma, Mother, daughter Mary (14) son Matthew (7) and a young girl living there attending the university. One set of missionaries also came to interpret for us. The grandma told us that when the missionaries came to her apartment years ago, she knew that she wanted to join the church. She knew that it was true right from the start. She said that she and her two daughters and son were all baptized. (Her son is in our district presidency) One daughter lives in Orem Utah and is married to a returned missionary, and one daughter Ludmilla (primary president) lives here with her two children Mary and Matthew. Grandma told us that the day after they were all baptized the branch had a picnic. She brought her family to the picnic and was so surprised and grateful to see no alcohol, smoking, or hearing bad language. She said, this is how I want to raise my family.
Frank had a wonderful lesson on the Holy Ghost and afterwards we ate dinner. Ludmilla and Mary and the other young gal began to bring out the food. A beautiful potato salad, carrot salad, and then, who would have guessed, another fish pie, they call it. It was really good, and we felt so blessed to be in their apartment to feel the spirit there. Grandma had been working all day cooking this dinner. They told us that they love us and wanted to show their love by cooking for us. Wow, how humbling.
Frank took me and our three sister missionaries (we are waiting for the fourth) to TGI Fridays for Valentines day lunch. There was Sister Denkers from ILL. Sister Brown from Palm Springs, and Sister Xanthos from Highland Utah. They made us a cute valentine and were so happy to go to lunch, we had a great time.
Frank has been aware of the euorpean man purses that the guys wear over here. The missionaries also use them for all of the materials that they have to carry. He has fought the idea until the other day when it was near his birthday and I mentioned that I would like to get him one for his birthday. He hesitated, and then decided that we would go check them out. Sure enough, he found one that wasn't too over-powering, and decided that he would get it. So now he looks just like all the other Russian men and missionaries here. It actually is quite handy, who would have thought? But, the best gift was from all of our kids and grandkids who sent letters to dad and grandpa with the memories they had of him. He had such a great time reading through them Many of the things he read about had been forgotten by him, but, long remembered by his kids and grandchildren.
That night (Franks birthday) we were invited to a musical at a large auditorium. Sister Vetsel, teaches some singing classes and also sings in a group so she got tickets for us. Galia helped us find the address and came with us. The audience was full of grandparents, just like home. The singing and dancing was top notch. The little kids danced their hearts out. The music and costumes were so Russian, all except one American dance. The groups came on and off without a glitch. Everything was flawless, from the beautiful light show at the beginning to the large screen tvs on each side of the stage to introduce each act, to the numerous wireless mikes on the stage at the same time to the fantastic lighting and in one hour it was over. They didn't waste anytime, we really enjoyed it.
Sister Vetsel of our branch is in the middle of the group. |
When Frank and I first arrived in Krasnoyarsk and began to shop for food we were (I was) always complaining about the small packages of things that I needed. Small bags of flour, sugar, salt (for playdough). Small, small, small. I just couldn't understand. But, now after six months of grocery shopping,and lugging literally hundreds of pounds of groceries from the grocery store and up 78 stairs each time, WE ARE SO GRATEFUL FOR SMALL BAGS OF FOOD.
Frank put a few pictures of love locks on our blog. We had Sergey and Julia for dinner the other night and asked them about the tradition. Sergey said that when two people get married they buy a lock and then write the date of their wedding on it. Then they find a gate to attached it to and then throw away the key. They want their hearts to be locked together for ever. Sounds familiar right?
Right above us on the hill is a church with a metal gate around it. Everyday at 12:00 noon the cannon there goes off. The blast is so loud that it often sets off car alarms in our parking lot. Around this church is a fence with dozens of love locks. We love the idea of the love locks, so before we leave Siberia, we are going to get a lock, put our names and the date that we served here on it, and attach it to a gate near the cannon church. It will be a constant reminder of the love that we have, not only for each other, but, for the saints of Krasnoyarsk.
The "Cannon" church Karen spoke about. These photos were taken in September. |
14,000 miles in one month!!!!!! Oh my lands (and seas and airways)!!
ReplyDeleteSure love the stories. Thanks for sharing.